This discipline is for replicas of single action centrefire cartridge revolvers designed before 1900. It includes such iconic models as the Colt Peacemaker and Cattleman, the Smith and Wesson Schofield and the Ruger Blackhawk.
This match is also referred to as the Single Action Centre Fire Match. Other than the calibre used, this match is exactly the same as the Centrefire match and 25m Pistol event.
The Single Action Centre Fire Match combines 2-stages: a precision stage and a rapid-fire stage, each of 30 shots.
This event is great fun and shot by both men and women.
PISTOL: .40 – .45 calibre centre fire single action revolver.
PISTOL SPECIFICS: Single action revolver of traditional pre-1900 design of either original or modern manufacture.
RESTRICTIONS: No scopes or red dot sights are allowed. Other specific restrictions apply and can be found in the rules for this event. .
AMMUNITION: Traditional pre-1900 style to suite the revolver calibre with the exception that only modern smokeless powder can be used.
Precision Stage:
- 30 shots, in six series of 5 shots, each series is 5 minutes
- Target: ISSF 25/50m International Slow Fire Target
After all competitors have completed the Precision Stage, they then move on to the Rapid Fire Stage.
Rapid Fire Stage:
- 30 shots, in six series of 5 shots (5 exposures of the target for 3 seconds)
- Target: ISSF Rapid Fire Target.
SCORING: Maximum possible scoring is 600
RULES: As per the 25m Centrefire / 25m Pistol matche rules with the exceptions as noted here
GRADING: Click here
Precision Stage – Click here
Rapid Stage – Click here