WA stands for World Association and 1500 is the maximum score that can be shot.
The WA 1500 match is the only Service discipline that has a World Championship. The other Service matches shot in Australia have the Australian National Championships as their pinnacle. Pistol Australia has sent teams to the WA 1500 World Championships every year.
The WA 1500 discipline is a holster drawn precision pistol competition (PPC) comprised of a primary 150 shot match for both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, but also includes shorter 60 & 48 shot matches. As such, a Pistol Australia holster qualification is required to fully compete in any of the WA1500 matches. Holster courses are conducted by the Club and a card of proficiency is issued on completion of the course.
The WA1500 matches are shot over distances of 7, 15, 25 and 50 yards using two hands from the positions of prone, sitting, kneeling, freestanding and from behind the left and right sides of barricades. All courses of fire are timed.
PISTOL: Any 9 mm or .32/.38/.357 calibre centrefire pistol or revolver.
Pistol & Revolver 1500:
- Minimum trigger pull 1135g (2.5lbs) for revolver
- Minimum trigger pull 1360g (3lbs) for semi-auto pistol
- Maximum sight radius 216 mm
- Maximum barrel length is 153 mm
- Open sights only, no scopes or red dot sights are allowed.
WA1500 matches also include categories for; Optical Sight Pistol or Revolver, Open Pistol or Revolver, Distinguished Pistol or Revolver, and standard revolvers under 4.25 inches. Please refer to the WA1500 rules below for firearm specifics.
AMMUNITION: Any 9 mm or .32/.38/.357 calibre ammunition. However, no high speed or Magnum ammunition is permitted.
TARGET: WA1500 targets to be used.
COURSE OF FIRE: The 150-shot competition is divided into various stages shot at different distances. Refer to either the range officer guide or match rules below for details. There are also shorter 48 or 60-shot matches.
SCORING: Maximum possible scoring is 1500.
RULES: Click hereGRADING: Click here