The Benchrest Rifle event is shot at Club, State and National level at various distances and calibres, however only the 50 metre rimfire event is shot at the Club.
The event is a combination of target shooting on scoring targets, or shooting to achieve the smallest grouping of a 5-shot series.
Typically rifle rests and rear stock bags are used for maximum stability, however the shooter requires considerable skill and accuracy to shoot this event well in prevailing weather conditions.
The club has several Benchrest rifles available for club members to use.
RIFLE: Any single shot or bolt action .22LR rifle. To shoot at a competitive level, a match grade rifle with powerful telescopic sights are required.
RIFLE SPECIFICS: Telescopic rifle sights are allowed.
RESTRICTIONS: .22LR rimfire only.
AMMUNITION: .22LR rimfire
TARGETS: SSAA International Match targets. 5 sets of 5 Targets
COURSE OF FIRE: 50-shot match, 5 series of 10 shots per target with 10 minutes per series.
SCORING: Maximum possible scoring is 500 made up of a maximum of 100 points per target. Group scoring consists of 5-shots measured from center-center of the furthest shots.
GRADING: To qualify for the next grade these scores must be shot three times.