Port Bouvard Pistol & Small Bore Rifle Club Inc.

Country Club Drive, Dawesville, WA 6211


 Air rifle shooting is a valuable training and development platform for national and international rifle competitions. The Prone, Standing and Kneeling positions, which are used in international and national rifle competitions, assist in developing skills and knowledge. An extensive range of air rifles exists for the beginner through to expert including compressed air, carbon dioxide or spring cocked rifles.

Air rifles are limited to .177″ (4.5mm) calibre to avoid damage to target frames and backstops, but any air rifle in that calibre is allowed as are telescopic sights. An international match target air rifle or field target air rifle with a scope is ideal for this match. Air rifles are inherently accurate over 10m, so if you cannot afford a new air rifle then look for a secondhand one as air rifles retain their accuracy and usually last a long time.

Air rifle shooting is relatively cheap and a good place to start in the sport of rifle shooting. Air pellets are much cheaper than live ammunition so other than the initial capital investment in the air rifle the cost to shoot on a regular basis is quite low.

There are four air rifle matches shot at the club; two scoped air rifle matches, an ISSF Un-Scoped match, and a Metallic Silhouette Match.

  1. The standard 10m scoped air rifle match is shot from the standing unsupported position at 10m.
  2. The 3-Positional scoped air rifle is shot from the prone, kneeling and standing positions at 10m.
  3. The ISSF match is shot from the standing unsupported position at 10m. The air rifle is fitted with peep sights.
  4. The Metallic Silhouette Match is shot from the standing unsupported position at 10m. The Metallic Silhouette targets are small metallic figurines of pigs, chickens, rams and turkeys.


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RIFLE: Any air rifle of compressed air, gas or pump style may be used.

RESTRICTIONS: At PBPC, muzzle velocity is restricted to prevent damage to the range.

AMMUNITION: .177″ (4.5mm) lead air rifle pellets of any shape