Port Bouvard Pistol & Small Bore Rifle Club Inc.

Country Club Drive, Dawesville, WA 6211


In 25m Rapid Fire Pistol, competitors use semi-automatic pistols in .22 calibre (5.6mm) at all levels of competition up to and including the Olympics. A series consists of five shots fired, one at each of five target within a limited time.

Five targets stand next to each other at a 25m distance from the shooter. When the targets appear, the competitor must raise his/her arm from a 45 degree angle and fire his/her five shots. If a shot is too late, it will score as a miss.

In Australia this event is also shot by women at most competitions.

PISTOL: .22LR calibre rim fire pistol may be used

• Overall weight less than 1400g
• Minimum trigger pull 1000g.
• Maximum sight radius 220mm
• Barrel length less than 153mm
• must fit into box of 300mm x 150mm x 50mm

RESTRICTIONS: Only open sights, no scopes or red dot sights are allowed. Other specific restrictions apply and can be found in the rules for this event.

AMMUNITION: Any .22LR cal. rimfire ammunition may be used.

TARGET: ISSF Rapid Fire target

COURSE OF FIRE: 60 competition shots, fired as two stages of 30 shots. There are three different time limits: 8 seconds, 6 seconds and 4 seconds for the series. A stage consists of two series in each time, and a full course of fire comprises two such stages.

SCORING: Maximum possible scoring is 600. The World Record currently stands at 592 points.

RULES: Click here

GRADING: Click here